What payment methods are accepted?

We accept all major credit cards and PayPal.


What if I forget my password?
Simply click Login at the top of the home page. Under Registered Customers click Forgot Your Password? and follow the instructions to receive an email to reset your password.


How do I view/edit/update my contact and / or account information and track my orders?
Simply Login and you will be taken to MY ACCOUNT page where you can edit all of your information:

1. Update Contact information: change your email address and password
2. Edit your address book
3. Review and Edit my Wish Lists
4. Review and track orders and order status


Do you sell directly to consumers?

Bone Dry Pet is wholesale to trade only. All prices listed on the website are wholesale prices. Products on the website are sold in wholesale case quantities.


What is your minimum order value?

Online orders require a $250 minimum, excluding shipping.


How much does shipping cost?

We charge 20% freight of your total order.


How do I become a retailer?

You can create an online wholesale account and begin shopping right away here.


Have further questions? Feel free to contact us.